Jawaban dari "Change info direct! 1). She told her mother that she was going to the market. She said : " 2). His f..."

Apa teman-teman suka dikasih peer oleh guru? Tapi anda bingung untuk menyelesaikannya? Sebetulnya ada banyak cara untuk menyelesaikan pertanyaan tsb, salah satunya adalah dengan bertanya pada saudara, disamping itu mendapatkan cara menjawab di website dapat jadi cara yang baik sekarang ini.

Kami ada 2 cara menyelesaikan dari Change info direct! 1). She told her mother that she was going to the market. She said : " 2). His f.... OK langsung saja lihat cara menyelesaikan selanjutnya di bawah ini:

Change Info Direct!
1). She Told Her Mother That She Was Going To The Market.
She Said : "
2). His Friends Told Me That They Would Go Home The Following Sunday.
His Friends Said : "
3). The Teacher Told Mark He Had Been Very Reguler In His Work.
The Teacher Said : "
4). Marc Told Me That He Had Finished His Work.
Marc Said : "
5). The Teacher Said The Earth Moves Around The Sun.
The Teacher Said : "
6). He Said That She Was Not Going Home That Day.
He Said : "
7). He Asked Me If I Had Brought The Pens.
He Asked : "
8). The Boy Asked Me If That Was The Place We Had Visited Before.
The Boy Asked : "
9). The Judge Told The Witness To Tell The Truth.
The Judge Said : "
10). The Prisoner Begged The Judge To Forgive Him.
The Prisoner Said : "


Jawaban: #1:


1. She said : "I'm going to the market"

2. His friends said : "We would go home the following Sunday"

3. The teacher said : "Mark you had been very reguler in your work"

4. Marc said : "I had finished my work"

5. The teacher said : "The earth moves around the sun"

6. He said : "she wasn't going home that day"

7. He asked : "if you had brought the pens"

8. the boy asked : "if that was the place we have visited before"

9. the judge said : "witness,tell the truth"

10. the prisoner said : "please forgive me judge"

Jawaban: #2:


Direct Speech:

1). She told her mother that she was going to the market.

She said : "I am going to the market."

2). His friends told me that they would go home the following Sunday.

His friends said : "We will go home next Sunday."

3). The teacher told Mark he had been very reguler in his work.

The teacher said : "I have been very careful in my work."

4). Marc told me that he had finished his work.

Marc said : "I have finished my work."

5). The teacher said the Earth moves around the Sun.

The teacher said : "The earth moves around the Sun."

6). He said that she was not going home that day.

He said : "I am not going home today."

7). He asked me if I had brought the pens.

He asked : "Did you bring your pens?"

8). The boy asked me if that was the place we had visited before.

The boy asked : "Is that the place we visited before?"

9). The judge told the witness to tell the truth.

The judge said : "Tell the truth!"

10). The prisoner begged the judge to forgive him.

The prisoner said : "I beg you to forgive me."


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran bentuk kalimat Direct Speech dalam Bahasa Inggris.

1. Kalimat Indirect Speech dari bentuk Past Continuous kita rubah menjadi Present Continuous Tense dalam bentuk Direct Speech

2. Kalimat Indirect Speech dari bentuk Past Future Tense kita rubah menjadi Simple Future Tense dalam bentuk Direct Speech

3. Kalimat Indirect Speech dari bentuk Past Perfect Tense kita rubah menjadi Present Perfect Tense dalam bentuk Direct Speech

4. Kalimat Indirect Speech dari bentuk Past Perfect Tense kita rubah menjadi Present Perfect Tense dalam bentuk Direct Speech

5. Kalimat Indirect Speech yang menyatakan fakta kebenaran umum tidak berubah Tense nya, tetap Simple Present Tense

6. Kalimat Indirect Speech dari bentuk Past Continuous kita rubah menjadi Present Continuous Tense dalam bentuk Direct Speech

7. Kalimat Indirect Speech dari bentuk Past Perfect Tense kita rubah menjadi Simple Past Tense dalam bentuk Direct Speech

8. Kalimat Indirect Speech dari bentuk Simple Past Tense kita rubah menjadi Simple Present Tense dalam bentuk Direct Speech, kemudian Past Perfect Tense kita rubah menjadi Simple Past Tense

9. Kalimat Indirect Speech yang menyatakan fakta kebenaran umum tidak berubah Tense nya, tetap Simple Present Tense

10. Kalimat Indirect Speech dari bentuk Simple Past Tense kita rubah menjadi Simple Present Tense dalam bentuk Direct Speech

Semoga membantu ya.

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Itulah cara mengerjakan mengenai "Change info direct! 1). She told her mother that she was going to the market. She said : " 2). His f...", semoga bisa membantu!

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