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Halaman ini mempunyai 1 cara mengerjakan dari Basic Conversations Introductions Robert Chartrand and Bill Peliowe Script x " Robert: Hi, Tm Robert.... Silakan pelajari cara mengerjakan lebih lanjut di bawah:

Basic Conversations Introductions

Robert Chartrand And Bill Peliowe Script X " Robert: Hi, Tm Robert Chartrand. Bill: Hi. Tm Bin Pellowe. Robert: Nice To Meet You, Too 1 "

Bill: Tm A University . How About You? Robert: Me Tool What Doyou ---#i? Bill: 1 Teaoh At Kinki University. And You?

Robert: Oh, I Teach At Kurume University.

Basic Conversations How Long Are You Stayi

Robert Chartrand And Bill Pellowe

Script 2


Bijl: Hi Robert! Whats Up?

Robert Tm Gorng To The U.S.

Bill. Oh, Really? I Dida't Know That 9 Robert: I'm Going To Tampa

Bill: Where's That?

Robert: In Florida.

Bill: What Are You Going To Do There?

Robert: I'm Going To Visit My Family

Jawaban: #1:


Bill: Oh I see

Robert: It's been a long time since i haven't visit my family in Florida

Bill:Yeah i know what it's feels like

Robert: Alright see you next time

Bill: See ya

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