Jawaban dari "translete biografi dr. Benjamin Carson ke dalam bahasa inggris"

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Website ini punya 1 cara menjawab dari translete biografi dr. Benjamin Carson ke dalam bahasa inggris. Monggo pelajari cara menjawab selanjutnya disini:

Translete Biografi Dr. Benjamin Carson Ke Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Jawaban: #1: Dr. Carson's modest beginnings are certainly what make his career success amazing and almost unfathomable. Born and raised in inner-city Detroit, Dr. Carson credits his mother Sonya's influence with much of his success. She performed domestic work to keep her family financially afloat. With only a third grade education herself, Sonya Carson prayed diligentlyfor wisdom to help Ben and his older brother Curtis succeed in school. Vigorous studying and a thirst for knowledge enabled young Dr. Carson to graduate from high school with honors and gain admission to Yale University where he pursued a degree in Psychology. He then went onto medical school at the University of Michigan, where his interest shifted from psychiatry to neurosurgery.It was then that Dr. Carson realized his ability to visualize the brain in three dimensions, excellent hand-eye coordination, and extensive neurological background were qualities fitting fora career as a neurosurgeon. After medical school, Dr. Carson became a neurosurgery resident at the Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. At age 33, Dr. Carson became the youngest physician to ever head a major division at Johns Hopkins. He is currently the director of pediatric neurosurgery at the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, a position he has held since 1984, and a professor of neurosurgery, oncology, plastic surgery, and pediatric medicine. Lisa Nicole Carson's Feet

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