Jawaban dari "Consistent working capital management throughout the year continues to be a key day.………focus area to..."

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Halaman ini punya 1 jawaban mengenai Consistent working capital management throughout the year continues to be a key day.………focus area to.... OK langsung saja lihat cara mengerjakan selengkapnya di bawah:

Consistent Working Capital Management Throughout The Year Continues To Be A Key Day.………focus Area To Ensure We Are Running The Business As Efficiently As Possible Every 2. Thus, If Asked What We Think Is The Essence Of Digital Transformation, We Would Answer Transformation Of Employee Mindset.………that It Is The Corporate Culture And The

Jawaban: #1:

Agar kalimat tersebut menjadi sebuah frasa yang sederhana, maka kalimat tersebut bisa menjadi sebagai berikut.

  • To ensure the business that we are running efficiently, the consistent working capital management is the key.
  • Corporate culture and the transformation of employee are the essences of digital transformation.


"To ensure the business that we are running efficiently, the consistent working capital management is the key," merupakan frasa sederhana dari "Consistent working capital management throughout the year continues to be a key focus area to ensure we are running the business as efficiently as possible every day." Dimana frasa sederhana itu memiliki arti "untuk memastikan bisnis yang dijalankan itu efisien, maka manajemen kapital kerja yang konsisten adalah kuncinya.

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Itulah cara menyelesaikan tentang "Consistent working capital management throughout the year continues to be a key day.………focus area to..." yang bisa kami berikan, semoga dapat bermanfaat!

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