Jawaban dari "Fill the gaps with the correct prepositions (place)! 1. Come__the sitting room, we want to watch TV...."

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Penelitian menyebutkan bahwa pembelajaran dengan penggunaan strategi menemukan cara menyelesaikannya dapat menaikkan nilai pada pelajaran matematika.

Web ini mempunyai 2 cara menjawab atas Fill the gaps with the correct prepositions (place)! 1. Come__the sitting room, we want to watch TV..... Monggo baca cara menjawab lebih lanjut di bawah:

Fill The Gaps With The Correct Prepositions (place)!
1. Come__the Sitting Room, We Want To Watch TV.
2. We Live __________Medan.
3. Would You Like To Go ____the Cinema Tonight?
4. No, Thanks. I Was ____the Cinema Yesterday.
5. Walk Ten Meters ______the House And Stop There.
6. There Is A Bridge __________the River.
7. The Flight From Jakarta To Australia Was ___Bali.
8. ____my Wall, There Are Many Picture Postcards.
9. Who Is The Person __________this Picture? 10. Munich Lies 530 Meters _______sea Level.​

Jawaban: #1:



2.in the








10.on the

#maaf kalo salah

Jawaban: #2:
  1. into
  2. in
  3. to
  4. at
  5. toward
  6. across
  7. via
  8. on
  9. in
  10. above



  • to = ke
  • from = dari
  • on = di atas
  • in = di dalam
  • under = di bawah
  • into = ke dalam
  • onto = ke atas
  • at = di, pada
  • toward = menuju
  • between = di antara
  • beside = di sebelah
  • above = di atas
  • via = melalui
  • across = melintasi
  • behind = di belakang
  • around = di sekitar


semangat belajar....

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